Brecksville Fall Fest Pups 2017

On Sunday 24th I went to the Brecksville Fall Fest. It was a great time except for the intolerable heat (temps where 90 degrees). I meet quite a few hot dogs walking around with their owners trying to stay in the shade and keep cool. These pups were sure enjoying themselves. Unfortunately when the reenactors […]

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Posted More Albums of Pets

Check out the client page in portfolio section. I have added couple more albums there. One is recent from Brecksville Fall Fest. Fall Fest is a great place to go and find some furry friends to shoot of photos of. The other is my neighbor’s cats. I found out you have to be patience with […]

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My First Client: My Dog Chelsey

My first client ever was my own dog, Chelsey. She is a lab/husky/shepherd mix of what I was told when I first got her. My sister and I got her at the Cuyahoga Animal Shelter when she was about three years old. From the first day we got her she was very shy around us […]

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